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Which laptop is best for me? Explained




Which laptop is best for you depends on what you want it for, your expectations of performance and your budget. Clearly, if you buy the latest and greatest, it will perform well, do anything you want and there will be little or no lag time.  But the latest and greatest is the most expensive.  So there is a trade-off between performance and budget. The more you spend, the faster the system, the more versatile the system becomes.

To a large extent, budget will determine what you should get.  If you are a student and only have $100, then you will have to settle with a Dual Core system that will be enough to allow you to do internet work, type and print papers etc.  Now if money is no object, then why not get something a little better, even if you are just browsing the web or sending email?  When you get a computer, you will generally have it for many years and who knows how your needs may change over the years, so it makes sense to get something that is a little more versatile, allowing your needs to change and use the computer for more things than you had in mind, when you first bought it.

The other thing to consider is your own expectations.  Traditional hard drives are slower running and cause the system to be slow, to start up.  These hard drives (HDD) were the only option for many years and a slow start up time, was just considered par for the course and totally acceptable.  It is amazing how now, with faster drives (SSD) which allows faster start up times, all of a sudden, slower start up times, which was the standard for many years, all of a sudden, becomes unacceptable. Expectations: Some people are just happy to have a laptop that works and allows you to get the job done, while others want something that looks cool at Starbucks and has a good startup time.

If you want things to load fast, always opt for an SSD upgrade and/or a RAM upgrade and remember, you are not just shopping for today, but also for how your needs may change over the years.  As I have said before, I am big believer in listening to what someone in the business has to say and what recommendation they may have with respect to what is right for you.  Please keep in mind that this requires interactive conversation which is tough to do in a text.  So please feel free to call us at any time which your questions.